B. inggris Sekolah Menengah Atas Daily Test

Active and Passive Voice

I. Change the following sentences into Passive Voice!

1. I love my parents.

2. We visit our grandparents once a year.

3. He called me yesterday.

4. She bought a new bag last week.

5. The students are studying Endlish now.

6. The boy is singing a Javanese song.

7. I have seen the film.

8. We must do the tasks.

9. He can drive a car. 10. They will build a house here.

II. Chance the sentences below into Active Voice!

1. I am called by her twice a week.

2. An hotel will be built by them here.

3. The tasks must be done by us.

4. The tv was watched by her last night.

5. Se is loved by her very much.

Daily Test

Active and Passive Voice

I. Change the following sentences into Passive Voice!

1. I love my parents.

2. We visit our grandparents once a year.

3. He called me yesterday.

4. She bought a new bag last week.

5. The students are studying Endlish now.

6. The boy is singing a Javanese song.

7. I have seen the film.

8. We must do the tasks.

9. He can drive a car. 10. They will build a house here.

II. Chance the sentences below into Active Voice!

1. I am called by her twice a week.

2. An hotel will be built by them here.

3. The tasks must be done by us.

4. The tv was watched by her last night.

5. Se is loved by her very much.


Passive Voice

1) My parents am loved by me.

2) Our grandparents are visited by us once a year.

3) I was called by him yesterday.

4) A new bag was bought by her last week.

5) English are being studied by the students now.

6) A Javanese song is being sung by the boy.

7) The film have been seen by me.

8) The tasks must be done by us.

9) A car can be driven by him.

10) A house will be built here by them.

Active Voice

1) She calls me twice a week.

2) They will build an hotel here.

3) We must do the tasks.

4) She watched the TV last night.

5) She loves her very much.


I hope this help

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